Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Report: Iran Needs More Nuclear Power Plants

In this article, Iran's nuclear chief, Ali Akbar Salehi says that Iran needs more nuclear power pants.  Although the one the country holds already produces some 1,000 megawatts of electricity. In my opinion, I question the additional nuclear power.  Is this much nuclear power really necessary? Salehi says that the additional power would help Iran reduce its carbon emissions and its consumption of oil, which seems to be the positive of the extra power.  The country says the power is for peaceful purposes.  But there is always the thought in the back of your head asking, could they make atmoic weapons with all this power?  
This article displays Iran's purpose for the additional power but I can't help but wonder if there is any other intentions for all this nuclear power.  I believe that this is how most of the Western countries are feeling.  This article does a good job of showing Iran's purpose for the power but does not show other countries view points.  While learning more about Iran's nuclear program, this article allows us to add to our previous knowledge.  

1 comment:

  1. I think the world can agree that nuclear power pants are a bad idea.

    On a more serious note, I don't have a problem with Iran using nuclear power for electricity generation. I'm in favor of nuclear power generation in general, as I believe it's a viable alternative to fossil fuels. Just because they have the power plants does not mean that they need to be the ones producing the fuel used for generation, although they already have mining operations so they definitely would be. If they keep the refinement level of the uranium to 5% they can use that as fuel, without it being possible to use in a conventional atomic weapon. It makes sense that they would want more power plants in particular if they're phasing back or eliminating their weapons program, they have to do something with all the uranium they've been amassing. One additional concern I would have about them making all these power plants is the seismic activity of the region. There's a lot of earthquakes in Iran and if nuclear power plants start popping up all over the country, there's a size able chance that there could be an incident.
