Saturday, December 7, 2013

Iran to Build New Nuclear Power Plants Video

This is a video that I had found on Youtube and it is a news report translating the major ideas of a meeting of Iran's Nuclear Industry managers that was held about Iran's plan to build 16 new nuclear power plants in Iran. The men of the meeting reported that Iran has already identified and designated these new locations. Their long-term objectives are to build their new nuclear power plants along the coastal regions of the Persian Gulf, the Sea of Oman, and the north western regions. These managers claimed that Iran has installed hundreds of advanced centrifuge machines for the purpose of enriching Uranium, not for nuclear weapons reasons. With this nuclear power they are able to supply other countries with fuel. One man by the name of Fereydoun Abbasi bluntly stated that they are using advanced centrifuges and for those who are unhappy about this should get in line with the new realities.

Refer to this link for the video:

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