Monday, November 18, 2013

Program Outline and timeline

In this online blog project you are being asked to search the web for information related to the nuclear power program undertaken by Iran. I would like you to look at sources of media surrounding this particular issue to see how Iran, its neighbors, 'the Middle East', nuclear power/weapons, ‘nuclear countries’, oil, geopolitics etc were being portrayed. What can we learn about the place of Iran from this differing coverage? What can we learn about those who are writing about Iran from this coverage? In other words, how is media-even global media-place based? You will need to do 3 posts over 3 weeks. You can chose to structure your posts chronologically, or regionally, or just jump into whatever aspect excites you the most--this is YOUR blog. Timeline 11/14-12/05 post to the blog (original posts and responses) by 12/07 all posting and replies end 12/16 turn in write-up

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