Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Don't Loosen Sanctions on Iran

This video simply titled, "Iran Facts" holds many truths..and opinions.Some of the videos first words include pro-west and anti-American, which identifies whom the message is directed to immediately-The West and Pro-Americans.Additionally the time-line narration of Iranian authorities and leaders is thorough and accurate but the story that accompanies their rise to power and their direct stance on nuclear technology (weapons or otherwise) is seemingly void. While I find the quotes to be incredibly threatening, concerning and blunt, I question the accuracy of the words within the quotations simply because they are well-so threatening and blunt-almost unbelievable. With all that said, the video incites an innate reaction of "they don't like us, so I don't like them." and  because of that "they shouldn't have a weapon that could hurt US!" The message, a list of facts (which is actually a sequence of Iranian dialogue)  and cool animations are merely a tool of an pro-sanction agenda. A push to call senators, expanding mushroom clouds and the word "fact" don't necessary coexist in reality.

The actual truth behind Iran's agenda to acquire nuclear technology resides strictly to Iran, and while the rest of the world should not take this lightly, videos like this only extend the back-and-forth rhetoric. Yet, despite the misleading title and the not-so hidden agenda, sanctions should not be lifted. The continuation of these economic penalties do in deed have a purpose and a need, surely justified by the very WORDS Iranian leaders chose to use. Depending on who is asked, they are not empty threats, but merely promises that have yet to come to fruition. And so action is required, but I question whether sanctions are the only means aside from military force that can or should be implemented.  

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